There are a wide variety of reasons for why you might choose eLearn Academy. Perhaps you have outside interests that require you to be outside of Fresno some of the time. Maybe you are looking for a small school environment. Whatever your reasons, our goal is to support you in your efforts.

Fresno Unified’ s eLearn Academy is for students seeking a full-time online program. eLearn elementary (TK-6) ensures core curriculum, opportunities to engage in Project Based Learning, Physical Education, Music and Art. eLearn academy (9-12), has a full four years of online curriculum that meets a-g requirements for the University of California & California State University systems. eLearn Academy provides opportunities for all students to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

  • To get more information regarding enrollment contact the Transfers Office at 559-248-7538.



  • Daily (M-F) synchronous (live) instruction with a teacher
  • Daily small group instruction fully online or in person

Middle and High School

  • Scheduled online classes daily with student’s teachers
  • Available online tutoring for (7-8th) grade students
  • Available online tutoring for (9-12th) grade students

eLearn academy provides daily small group instruction/support for TK-6 grade students.  Student support times are available after school Tuesday through Friday for 7-12th grade students. Tutor. Com is available to ALL students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for students. Students and parents can also reach out to teachers to request 1 on 1 support.


Contact Us

eLearn Academy
2727 N. Cedar Ave. Fresno, CA 93703
Tel: (559) 248-5600
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